Has you child’s room looked the same for a while now? A place your children like and feel comfortable in is incredibly important, especially now that they are spending so much time in it. So here are a few simple ways to make your child’s room a more creative and comfortable place.
1 – Make a drawing board!
2 – Rearrange – move the bed to the opposite side of the room, have the desk facing a different way, the rug in the centre of the room instead of the side – change it up!
3 – Indulge your children – ask how they would like their space to be – even if you’re not willing to turn their room into a sandpit or paint all the walls bright orange you will likely be able to find a compromise and draw inspiration from what they want.
4 – Update – After looking at the same things and the same colours for a while it is nice to give them a new look. Get some paint and update the furniture in your child’s room – white drawers turn green, the wardrobe now has flowers – there is so much you can do!

5 – Patterns! Get some coloured tape (Washi tape is great) and get creative. You can use them instead of frames, to create a pattern on drawers, it’s such a simple way of giving things a more fun look.
6 – Switch the boring drawer knobs for some funky new ones.
7 – Get creative with wall stickers! – Have you seen all the themes we have available on our site? And if you really want to go crazy you can mix these up – clouds with dots and suddenly it’s snowing in the room. There are so many fun combinations you could do, check our our wall stickers here.

Be careful though, you don’t want to make it too nice – you’ll have plenty of ‘I don’t want to leave my room’ when they get to their teenage years…