The new year had the tendency to make us reflect and strive for new things. Resolutions are made – some to be kept, others to be half followed and some to be forgotten. If one of your resolutions includes being more conscientious of your choices and the impact they have on the environment we have gathered, just for you, 21 simple ways to become more green in 2021.
1 – Recycle everything. You are probably thinking ‘but I already recycle’ but take a moment to think whether you are doing it correctly and if you are recycling all you possibly can. It might even help to make a diagram of what goes where (or better yet, ask your children to draw you one!) and stick it on the bins.
2 – Plant a little garden either in the back garden or on the windowsill. It does not have to be complicated, start with some herbs like basil or mint, next thing you know you will be growing your own tomatoes and lettuce!
3 – Collect rainwater to water your houseplants and garden – this is so simple and yet most of us do not bother doing it. But we should not forget that even water can be reused!
4 – Wash your laundry in cold water instead of hot.
5 – Switch your lightbulbs to more energy efficient types.
6 – Use natural light for as long as you can and turn off the lights when you leave the room.

7 – Go paperless. Nowadays nearly every business gives you the option of being contacted via text or email rather than letters. Think of all the paper you will save by opting out of letters that end up unread and directly thrown in the bin anyway…
8 – Walk, run, bike! If you are able to make the journey by walking or riding your bike, do so. You get some exercise in AND you help the environment.
9 – Invest in a reusable coffee cup. Anything that is used once and disposed of is something to avoid. So instead of going to a coffee shop and getting a coffee served in a paper cup bring your reusable cup and ask them to fill that instead. Some coffee shops will even offer you some kind of reward when you do this.
10 – Use reusable bags. They are environmentally friendly, more resistant and more comfortable to use!
11 – Use reusable water bottles not plastic bottles. Get a funky colour and maybe even decorate it with stickers so it is a little more personalised.
12 – Reuse paper: print on both sides or use the back of used paper – it is great for children’s drawings or to-do lists!
13 – Replace your disposable cotton pads and face wipes for reusable ones.

14 – Swap paper napkins for cloth napkins – which can make your table look even nicer!
15 – Reduce food waste. Do not buy, put away and forget about it until it has gone bad. Think about what you will use each product for before putting it away and how long it will last. Then plan your meals around the food that needs to be consumed first.
16 – Have a plan B – when you miscalculate how long an item of food lasts, use it for something else. Things that have gone slightly mushy are normally great for smoothies or baking, for example.
17 – Start a compost bin. You can use it for your own garden or you can give it to someone who has a use for it. Community gardens which you can find online will normally take them – someone will thank you!
18 – Buy second hand – whether this is clothes or household items giving something a second or third life drastically cuts its carbon footprint.
19 – Donate – following on the previous suggestion, donating the things you have in the house that you do not use or need is a great way to tidy your home and to allow your items to find a second home.
20 – Borrow instead of buying which is great because you save money, resources and space! Think about the last time you decluttered your space – how many items did you get rid of that were only used once?
21 – Label your items – this will ensure you do not lose as many things, meaning you will re-buy less and so use less resources. Visit our sustainability page to know more about our sustainable name tags.
As you start your ‘greener journey’ you will realise how simple some of these things are to do. Mostly it is down to being more intentional with the things you consume and how you consume them. So stay informed, keep an eye out for information on how to be more environmentally friendly – follow some sustainability pages and blogs – it doesn’t mean you have to read about it everyday but it should be on your radar. It is vital that we continuously look for ways to improve, that we spread the word and teach others and the next generation.